Thank you, Julia. It was lovely looking back over older sketchbooks and it always amazes me how they can transport you straight back to the moment. I am finally feeling much more like myself, thank goodness!
That’s what I like about sketchbooks too, capturing a time or a place and the feelings of that moment (the same with music too). So happy to hear you’re feeling a lot better, hope you have a lovely Sunday xx
Such a lovely post. It's heartening to hear of the birds & other creatures in your garden. I also think May is the best month, so I'm glad you're now getting better so you can get out & enjoy it!
How absolutely lovely, thank you for this post! I try to find some joy or calm once a day and sketch (not as beautiful as yours) but I enjoy it. Sending you healthy vibes.
That’s where we’re up to these days despite having lived and worked in London for years. I’ll be reflecting on it in words, I suspect, but there’s something about cities making you behave differently. Anyhoo, ready to slow it all down again.
Love both Sandi and Nishant. Hope you are feeling better! Been laid low with a virus (not ‘the’ virus) too, watching the birds has been a joy in the sunshine
I loved their conversation and I am so pleased to have discovered his podcast. Being ill does make you realise what a joy it is to watch the birds, but I wish it didn't take that to realise it sometimes! I do hope you feel better very soon x
Aren't they darling creatures? My cat sits gazing at their antics through the kitchen window. As for rats...they have been horrendous this year and wish I knew an effective way to discourage them, but so far have failed miserably. Thank you for your support here, it means a great deal.
An absolute delight, Deborah. I hope you feel back to full health soon. I know being poorly isn't the best way to slow down but it's good that you have managed to find so much joy while having a rest. x
Sitting among the abundance that Nature gives us will help in the recovery from Covid. I found your photos, videos and sketches comforting here from a distance. As was the poem at the end. Birds do it especially for me; birds have a wisdom that we humans can learn from.
I am so glad you found the images comforting. I get so much pleasure from the birds in my garden and the last few days I have realised that I really should just sit and enjoy this month more. It is very easy to busy ourselves and not take full notice. Did you see my note on the owl I saw this morning? Just an amazing privilege. Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Such a lovely joy filled post Deborah. Thank you for the book recommendation which sounds right up my street and I hope you are feeling much better
It is a wonderful book and am certain you will think so too - do let me know! I am feeling much better, thank goodness x
Pleased you are feeling better. You are a bad influence 😉 i have just ordered the book!
😄📚I am sorry!
A lovely post and such wonderful sketchbook pages. I hope you are feeling much better soon xx
Thank you, Julia. It was lovely looking back over older sketchbooks and it always amazes me how they can transport you straight back to the moment. I am finally feeling much more like myself, thank goodness!
That’s what I like about sketchbooks too, capturing a time or a place and the feelings of that moment (the same with music too). So happy to hear you’re feeling a lot better, hope you have a lovely Sunday xx
and you too! Xx
Such a lovely post. It's heartening to hear of the birds & other creatures in your garden. I also think May is the best month, so I'm glad you're now getting better so you can get out & enjoy it!
thank you very much, I am so pleased you liked it.
May you have a speedy recovery. This is a beautiful post. :)
thank you very much, Jodie.
How absolutely lovely, thank you for this post! I try to find some joy or calm once a day and sketch (not as beautiful as yours) but I enjoy it. Sending you healthy vibes.
I am so pleased you liked it and thank you for your kind wishes. We all need, more than ever, some calm and joy in our days.
Oh dear Geoff Hamilton, we do miss him. Gardeners’ World has never been the same. I have all his DVDs and books!
Beautiful sketches, wow!
Thank you very much!
Glorious, glorious May. I hope you’re soon back to full strength but also, there is perhaps some merit in being able only to sit and wonder.
I wonder if perhaps there is...I always want to slow everything down as there is so much to love.
So pleased to hear you are on the mend. The orange tip is a beauty.
Thank you, so am I! I am enjoying your Parisian notes and hope you are having a jolly time.
Just on a train heading home. Ready for a reset in the countryside. Paris was fabulous but so so busy!
I confess that I can now only cope with cities now in short bursts, enriching though they are. Safe journey home.
That’s where we’re up to these days despite having lived and worked in London for years. I’ll be reflecting on it in words, I suspect, but there’s something about cities making you behave differently. Anyhoo, ready to slow it all down again.
Love both Sandi and Nishant. Hope you are feeling better! Been laid low with a virus (not ‘the’ virus) too, watching the birds has been a joy in the sunshine
I loved their conversation and I am so pleased to have discovered his podcast. Being ill does make you realise what a joy it is to watch the birds, but I wish it didn't take that to realise it sometimes! I do hope you feel better very soon x
I live in an inner western suburb of Sydney and so am familiar with a rat or three but that field mouse is absolutely sweet-as.
Another beautiful post Deborah. Glad you’re on the mend. 🪷
Aren't they darling creatures? My cat sits gazing at their antics through the kitchen window. As for rats...they have been horrendous this year and wish I knew an effective way to discourage them, but so far have failed miserably. Thank you for your support here, it means a great deal.
This is a wonderful post - particularly when you were feeling below par...! Thank you.
Thank you very much. I had to do it snippet by snippet!
An absolute delight, Deborah. I hope you feel back to full health soon. I know being poorly isn't the best way to slow down but it's good that you have managed to find so much joy while having a rest. x
I am beginning to see the silver lining! I was so fretting about getting this done in time and perhaps there is a lesson here! Thank you x
Sitting among the abundance that Nature gives us will help in the recovery from Covid. I found your photos, videos and sketches comforting here from a distance. As was the poem at the end. Birds do it especially for me; birds have a wisdom that we humans can learn from.
I am so glad you found the images comforting. I get so much pleasure from the birds in my garden and the last few days I have realised that I really should just sit and enjoy this month more. It is very easy to busy ourselves and not take full notice. Did you see my note on the owl I saw this morning? Just an amazing privilege. Thank you for taking the time to read it.
An owl? Not yet, but I will take a look. Thank you.
I am not sure he was too pleased to be spotted!
This whole thing is just lovely. Feel better soon.
Thank you very much, that is so kind of you.